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Margaret River

What started as a small region, remote and uknown to many, quickly rose up in ranks and became one of the most indomitable name in the Australian wine market known worldwide in merely the past 50 years. In addition to that, though they only account for 3% of the nation's wine production, 20% of Australia's premium wines come from them.

Being situated near the ocean, Margaret River enjoys minimal temperature differences as well as the most consistent warming throughout the growing season.From its yearly warmth, to the occasional cool winds from the Indian and Southern Oceans, accompanied by its regions annual rainfall, it offers the most favourable conditions for grape growth.

With the climate being on their side, we see the grape varietals Shiraz, Merlot and the most common Cabernet Sauvignon, thriving in the area. The red wies of Margaret River like the ones made with Cabernet Sauvignon are usually medium bodied and fine in fruit character coupled with elegance and the potential of ageing beautifully. It's no wonder Margaret River is able to carve out such a name for itself.


Image By: https://www.theurbanlist.com/perth/a-list/best-margaret-river-wineries

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