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Total Acreage:

36 ha

Average Production:

8 – 14,000 cases

Grand Puy Lacoste, 5ème Cru Classé

"The history of Grand-Puy-Lacoste is fascinating in many ways. It is a family saga going back to the 16th century.

The name Grand-Puy, already mentioned in documents from the Middle Ages, comes from the ancient term "puy” which means "hillock, small height”. True to its name, the vineyard sits on outcrops with a terroir similar to that of the Médoc's first growths. From Since the 16th century the property remained attached to a single family from generation to generation, in a direct line through marriage until 1920, before connecting with another family in 1978—the Borie." 

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Grand Puy Lacoste, 5ème Cru Classé

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